Neurociências e Doença

Inflamação crónica no envelhecimento e doença



Doenças musculoesqueléticas

Doenças neurodegenerativas

Compostos naturais


Alexandrina Mendes


Linhas de interesse

Avaliação do potencial farmacoterapêutico de um novo activador da Sirtuína-1 em modelos celulares de doenças associadas ao envelhecimento, nomeadamente as doenças de Alzheimer e Parkinson e a osteoartrite

Desenvolvimento e optimização de estratégias, incluindo engenharia de cartilagem, para melhorar a reparação/regeneração da cartilagem articular

Identificação de biomarcadores preditivos do risco de desenvolvimento de osteoartrite pós-traumática

Plasticidade celular na osteoartrite: identificação de fenótipos celulares responsáveis pela inflamação e degradação da cartilagem induzida por factores de risco metabólicos e outros tipos de stress e sua modulação farmacológica

Visão Geral

A nossa missão é contribuir para melhorar a esperança de vida saudável. Focamo-nos na identificação de mecanismos que contrariem a inflamação crónica de baixo grau subjacente às doenças associadas ao envelhecimento, nomeadamente doenças musculoesqueléticas e neurodegenerativas. Usamos diferentes tipos de células e estímulos para modelar essas doenças in vitro e assim estudarmos os mecanismos subjacentes e identificarmos fármacos que contrariem os processos patológicos e/ou promovam mecanismos reguladores que contrariem esses processos. Estamos especialmente interessados em estudar potenciais aplicações terapêuticas de produtos naturais e derivados semi-sintéticos em doenças neurodegenerativas e musculoesqueléticas. Entre muitos processos celulares, a nossa maior experiência é nas vias de sinalização celular associadas à inflamação induzida por agentes infeciosos e vários tipos de stress, nomeadamente metabólico (hiperglicémia, hiperinsulinémia, etc.) e suas consequências (stress oxidativo e disfunção mitocondrial, morte celular, senescência celular, disfunção autofágica, remodelação da matriz extracelular, etc.). Outro objectivo é contribuir para melhorar os métodos de reparação/regeneração da cartilagem, especialmente em indivíduos jovens com lesões traumáticas do joelho. Para isso, estamos a analizar o líquido sinovial para identificar biomarcadores preditivos do risco de desenvolvimento de osteoartrite e estamos investigar novos métodos de engenharia de cartilagem, combinando novos moldes com a estimulação mecânica e bioquímica dos condrócitos (as células da cartilagem) para imitar as condições fisiológicas e assim melhorar o comportamento das células e a produção de matriz extracelular.


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Informação sobre artigos em revista, actualizada a 16-02-2025, a partir da plataforma CIÊNCIAVITAE.

Synthesis of Carvone Derivatives and In Silico and In Vitro Screening of Anti-Inflammatory Activity in Murine Macrophages

Gabriela Moço; Cátia Sousa; Ana Capitão; Stephen S MacKinnon; Alcino Leitão; A. F. Mendes, 2023. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023. . 10.3390/ijms24032263 . International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Anti-Inflammatory Properties of (R)-(-)-Carvone: Potential Roles of JNK1, Nrf2 and NF-¿B

Cátia Sousa; Bruno Miguel Neves; Alcino Jorge Leitão; Alexandrina Ferreira Mendes, 2023. Pharmaceutics. 2023. . 10.3390/pharmaceutics15010249 . Pharmaceutics

Bio-electrospraying assessment toward in situ chondrocyte-laden electrospun scaffold fabrication

Semitela, Ângela; Ramalho, Gonçalo; Capitão, Ana; Sousa, Cátia; Mendes, Alexandrina F; AAP Marques, Paula; Completo, António, 2022. Journal of Tissue Engineering. 13. 2022. . 10.1177/20417314211069342 . Journal of Tissue Engineering

Monoterpenes as Sirtuin-1 Activators: Therapeutic Potential in Aging and Related Diseases

Cátia Sousa; Alexandrina Ferreira Mendes, 2022. Biomolecules. 2022. . 10.3390/biom12070921 . Biomolecules

Multi-layered electrospinning and electrospraying approach: Effect of polymeric supplements on chondrocyte suspension

Semitela, Ângela; Leal Pereira, Andreia; Sousa, Cátia; Mendes, Alexandrina F.; Marques, Paula A.A.P.; Completo, António, 2021. Journal of Biomaterials Applications. 2021. . 10.1177/08853282211064403 . Journal of Biomaterials Applications

Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)1

Klionsky, Daniel J.; Abdel-Aziz, Amal Kamal; Abdelfatah, Sara; Abdellatif, Mahmoud; Abdoli, Asghar; Abel, Steffen; Abeliovich, Hagai; et al, 2021. Autophagy. 1 - 382. 1. 17. 2021. . 10.1080/15548627.2020.1797280 . Autophagy

Common risk factors and therapeutic targets in obstructive sleep apnea and osteoarthritis: An unexpectable link?

Laetitia S. Gaspar; Cátia Sousa; Ana Rita Álvaro; Cláudia Cavadas; Alexandrina Ferreira Mendes, 2021. Pharmacological Research. 105369 - 105369. 2021. . 10.1016/j.phrs.2020.105369 . Pharmacological Research

Elucidation of the Mechanism Underlying the Anti-Inflammatory Properties of (S)-(+)-Carvone Identifies a Novel Class of Sirtuin-1 Activators in a Murine Macrophage Cell Line

Cátia Sousa; Bruno Miguel Neves; Alcino Jorge Leitão; Alexandrina Ferreira Mendes, 2021. Biomedicines. 777 - 777. 7. 9. 2021. . 10.3390/biomedicines9070777 . Biomedicines

Expression and function of the nonclassical estrogen receptor, GPR30, in human cartilage and chondrocytes

Madalena Ribeiro; Cátia Sousa; Ana T. Rufino; Fernando Judas; Alexandrina F. Mendes, 2020. Journal of Cellular Physiology. 2020. . 10.1002/jcp.29691 . Journal of Cellular Physiology

Standardised comparison of limonene-derived monoterpenes identifies structural determinants of anti-inflammatory activity

Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira , 2020. Scientific Reports. 10. 2020. . published Scientific Reports

The importance of determining circadian parameters in pharmacological studies

Mendes, Alexandrina, 2019. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2019. . 10.1111/bph.14712 . British Journal of Pharmacology

Dichotomous Sirtuins: Implications for Drug Discovery in Neurodegenerative and Cardiometabolic Diseases

Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira , 2019. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 2019. . 10.1016/ . Trends in Pharmacological Sciences

Editorial: The Physiology of Inflammation—The Final Common Pathway to Disease

Mendes, Alexandrina, 2018. Frontiers in Physiology. 2018. 10.3389/fphys.2018.01741 . Frontiers in Physiology

The “Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology” Journal Club Series: Highlights on Recent Papers in Exercise-Induced Immune Response

Mendes, Alexandrina, 2018. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 2018. . 10.3390/jfmk3030042 . Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology

Hyperglycemia and Hyperinsulinemia-Like Conditions Independently Induce Inflammatory Responses in Human Chondrocytes

Rufino, Ana; Ribeiro, Madalena; Pinto Ferreira, João; Judas, Fernando; Mendes, Alexandrina, 2017. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 2. 2. 2017. . 10.3390/jfmk2020015 . Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology

Assessment of cell line competence for studies of pharmacological GPR30 modulation

Sousa, Cátia; Ribeiro, Madalena; Rufino, Ana Teresa; Leitão, Alcino Jorge; Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira, 2016. Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction. 181 - 188. 2. 37. 2016. . 10.1080/10799893.2016.1203943 . Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction

Diabetes-accelerated experimental osteoarthritis is prevented by autophagy activation

Ribeiro, M.; López de Figueroa, P.; Nogueira-Recalde, U.; Centeno, A.; Mendes, A.F.; Blanco, F.J.; Caramés, B., 2016. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 2116 - 2125. 12. 24. 2016. . 10.1016/j.joca.2016.06.019 . Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Insulin decreases autophagy and leads to cartilage degradation

Ribeiro, M.; López de Figueroa, P.; Blanco, F.J.; Mendes, A.F.; Caramés, B., 2016. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 731 - 739. 4. 24. 2016. . 10.1016/j.joca.2015.10.017 . Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

The “Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology” Journal Club Series: Highlights on Recent Papers in Articular Cartilage Tissue Engineering and Mechanical Stimulation

Mendes, Alexandrina, 2016. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 2016. . 10.3390/jfmk1020162 . Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology

Diabetes-induced osteoarthritis: role of hyperglycemia in joint destruction

Alexandrina F Mendes; Susana C Rosa; Ana T Rufino; Madalena Ribeiro; Fernando Judas, 2015. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. S1. 16. 2015. . 10.1186/1471-2474-16-s1-s1 . BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

Differential effects of the essential oils of Lavandula luisieri and Eryngium duriaei subsp. juresianum in cell models of two chronic inflammatory diseases

Rufino, Ana T.; Ferreira, Isabel; Judas, Fernando; Salgueiro, Lígia; Lopes, M. Celeste; Cavaleiro, Carlos; Mendes, Alexandrina F., 2015. Pharmaceutical Biology. 1220 - 1230. 8. 53. 2015. . 10.3109/13880209.2014.970701 . Pharmaceutical Biology

Tissue Engineered Cartilage in Unconfined Compression: Biomechanical Analysis

Cátia Bandeiras; António Completo; António Ramos; Ana Teresa Rufino; Madalena Ribeiro; João Pinto Ferreira; Alexandrina Ferreira Mendes, 2015. Materials Today: Proceedings. 355 - 364. 1. 2. 2015. . 10.1016/j.matpr.2015.04.032 . Materials Today: Proceedings

Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory, anti-catabolic and pro-anabolic effects of E-caryophyllene, myrcene and limonene in a cell model of osteoarthritis

Mendes, Alexandrina; Rufino, A.T.; Ribeiro, M.; Sousa, C.; Judas, F.; Salgueiro, L.; Cavaleiro, C.; Mendes, A.F., 2015. European Journal of Pharmacology. 141 - 150. 750. 2015. . . European Journal of Pharmacology

Anti-inflammatory and Chondroprotective Activity of (+)-a-Pinene: Structural and Enantiomeric Selectivity

Mendes, Alexandrina, 2014. Journal of Natural Products. 2014. 10.1021/np400828x . Journal of Natural Products

Resveratrol Modulates Cytokine-Induced JAK/STAT Activation More Efficiently than 5-Aminosalicylic Acid: An In Vitro Approach

Mendes, Alexandrina, 2014. PlosOne. 2014. 10.1371/journal.pone.0109048 . PlosOne

Expression and function of K(ATP) channels in normal and osteoarthritic human chondrocytes: Possible role in glucose sensing

Rufino, A.T.; Rosa, S.C.; Judas, F.; Mobasheri, A.; Lopes, M.C.; Mendes, A.F., 2013. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 1879 - 1889. 8. 114. 2013. . 10.1002/jcb.24532 . Journal of Cellular Biochemistry

Physiology and pathophysiology of musculoskeletal aging: current research trends and future priorities

Mobasheri, Ali; Mendes, Alexandrina F.; Mobasheri, A.; Mendes, A.F., 2013. Frontiers in Physiology. 4. 2013. . 10.3389/fphys.2013.00073 . Frontiers in Physiology

Potassium channels in articular chondrocytes

Mobasheri, A.; Lewis, R.; Ferreira-Mendes, A.; Rufino, A.; Dart, C.; Barrett-Jolley, R., 2012. Channels. 416 - 425. 6. 6. 2012. . 10.4161/chan.22340 . Channels

Role of glucose as a modulator of anabolic and catabolic gene expression in normal and osteoarthritic human chondrocytes

Rosa, Susana C.; Rufino, Ana T.; Judas, Fernando M.; Tenreiro, Carlos; Lopes, M. Celeste; Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira, 2011. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 2813 - 2824. 10. 112. 2011. 10.1002/jcb.23196 . published Journal of Cellular Biochemistry

Expression and function of the insulin receptor in normal and osteoarthritic human chondrocytes: modulation of anabolic gene expression, glucose transport and GLUT-1 content by insulin

Rosa, Susana C.; Rufino, Ana T.; Judas, Fernando M.; Tenreiro, Carlos; Lopes, M. Celeste; Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira, 2011. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 719 - 727. 6. 19. 2011. 10.1016/j.joca.2011.02.004 . published Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Cortical strut allografting in reconstructive orthopaedic surgery

Judas, F.; Saavedra, M.J.; Mendes, A.F.; Dias, R., 2011. Acta Reumatologica Portuguesa. 24 - 28. 1. 36. 2011. . Acta Reumatologica Portuguesa

Screening of Five Essential Oils for Identification of Potential Inhibitors of IL-1-induced Nf-¿B Activation and NO Production in Human Chondrocytes: Characterization of the Inhibitory Activity of a -Pinene

Neves, Ângela; Rosa, Susana C.; Gonçalves, Juliana; Rufino, Ana T.; Judas, Fernando M.; Salgueiro, Lígia; Lopes, M. Celeste; Cavaleiro, Carlos; Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira, 2010. Planta Medica. 303 - 308. 03. 76. 2010. 10.1055/s-0029-1186085 . published Planta Medica

Impaired glucose transporter-1 degradation and increased glucose transport and oxidative stress in response to high glucose in chondrocytes from osteoarthritic versus normal human cartilage

Rosa, Susana C.; Gonçalves, Juliana; Judas, Fernando M.; Ali Mobasheri; Lopes, M. Celeste; Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira, 2009. Arthritis Research & Therapy. 1 - 11. R80. 11. 2009. . 10.1186/ar2713 . published Arthritis Research & Therapy

Assessment of strategies to increase chondrocyte viability in cryopreserved human osteochondral allografts: evaluation of the glycosylated hydroquinone, arbutin

Rosa, Susana C.; Gonçalves, Juliana; Judas, Fernando M.; Lopes, M. Celeste; Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira, 2009. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 1657 - 1661. 12. 17. 2009. 10.1016/j.joca.2009.08.016 . published Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Regulation of catecholamine release and tyrosine hydroxylase in human adrenal chromaffin cells by interleukin-1ß: role of neuropeptide Y and nitric oxide

Rosmaninho-Salgado, Joana; Araújo, Inês M.; ¿?lvaro, Ana Rita; Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira; Ferreira, Lígia; Grouzmann, Eric; Mota, Alfredo; Duarte, Emília. P.; Cavadas, Cláudia, 2009. Journal of Neurochemistry. 911 - 922. 3. 109. 2009. 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2009.06023.x . published Journal of Neurochemistry

Nitric oxide synthase isoforms and NF-¿B activity in normal and osteoarthritic human chondrocytes: Regulation by inducible nitric oxide

Rosa, Susana C.; Judas, Fernando M.; Lopes, M. Celeste; Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira, 2008. Nitric Oxide. 276 - 283. 3. 19. 2008. 10.1016/j.niox.2008.07.005 . published Nitric Oxide

Facilitative glucose transporters in articular chondrocytes. Expression, distribution and functional regulation of GLUT isoforms by hypoxia, hypoxia mimetics, growth factors and pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Mobasheri, A.; Bondy, C.A.; Moley, K.; Mendes, A.F.; Rosa, S.C.; Richardson, S.M.; Hoyland, J.A.; Barrett-Jolley, R.; Shakibaei, M., 2008. Advances in anatomy, embryology, and cell biology. 200. 2008. . Advances in anatomy, embryology, and cell biology

Chondrocyte Viability in Fresh and Frozen Large Human Osteochondral Allografts: Effect of Cryoprotective Agents

Judas, Fernando M.; Rosa, Susana C.; TEIXEIRA, L; Lopes, M. Celeste; Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira, 2007. Transplantation Proceedings. 2531 - 2534. 8. 39. 2007. 10.1016/j.transproceed.2007.07.028 . published Transplantation Proceedings

Dexamethasone prevents interleukin-1ß-induced nuclear factor-¿B activation by upregulating I¿B-a synthesis, in lymphoblastic cells

Castro-caldas, M.; Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira; Carvalho, A. Pato; Duarte, C. B.; Lopes, M. Celeste, 2003. Mediators of Inflammation. 37 - 46. 1. 12. 2003. 10.1080/0962935031000096953 . published Mediators of Inflammation

Hydrogen peroxide mediates interleukin-1ß-induced AP-1 activation in articular chondrocytes: Implications for the regulation of iNOS expression

Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira; Caramona, M. Margarida; Carvalho, A. Pato; Lopes, M. Celeste, 2003. Cell Biology and Toxicology. 203 - 214. 4. 19. 2003. 10.1023/B:CBTO.0000003730.21261.fa . published Cell Biology and Toxicology

Dexamethasone-induced and estradiol-induced CREB activation and annexin 1 expression in CCRF-CEM lymphoblastic cells: evidence for the involvement of cAMP and p38 MAPK

Castro-caldas, M.; Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira; Duarte, C. B.; Lopes, M. Celeste, 2003. Mediators of Inflammation. 329 - 337. 6. 12. 2003. 10.1080/09629350310001633351 . published Mediators of Inflammation

Differential roles of hydrogen peroxide and superoxide in mediating IL-1-induced NF-kB activation and iNOS expression in bovine articular chondrocytes

Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira; Caramona, M. Margarida; Carvalho, A. Pato; Lopes, M. Celeste, 2003. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 783 - 793. 4. 88. 2003. 10.1002/jcb.10428 . published Journal of Cellular Biochemistry

Role of nitric oxide in the activation of NF-¿B, AP-1 and NOS II expression in articular chondrocytes

Mendes, A.F.; Carvalho, A.P.; Caramona, M.M.; Lopes, M.C.; Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira; Carvalho, A. Pato; Caramona, M. Margarida; Lopes, M. Celeste, 2002. Inflammation Research. 369 - 375. 7. 51. 2002. . 10.1007/PL00000317 . published Inflammation Research

Role of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases and Tyrosine Kinases on IL-1-Induced NF-¿B Activation and iNOS Expression in Bovine Articular Chondrocytes

Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira; Caramona, M. Margarida; Carvalho, A. Pato; Lopes, M. Celeste, 2002. Nitric Oxide. 35 - 44. 1. 6. 2002. 10.1006/niox.2001.0378 . published Nitric Oxide

Diacerhein and Rhein Prevent Interleukin-1beta-Induced Nuclear Factor-kappaB Activation by Inhibiting the Degradation of Inhibitor kappaB-alpha

Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira; Caramona, M. Margarida; Carvalho, A. Pato; Lopes, M. Celeste, 2002. Pharmacology and Toxicology. 22 - 28. 1. 91. 2002. 10.1034/j.1600-0773.2002.910104.x . published Pharmacology and Toxicology

Diphenyleneiodonium inhibits NF-¿B activation and iNOS expression induced by IL-1ß: involvement of reactive oxygen species

Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira; Carvalho, A. Pato; Caramona, M. Margarida; Lopes, M. Celeste, 2001. Mediators of Inflammation. 209 - 215. 4. 10. 2001. 10.1080/09629350120080401 . published Mediators of Inflammation

Changes in the subcellular distribution of the rat uterus oestrogen receptor as induced by oestradiol, tamoxifen and ZD 182, 780

Ferreira Mendes, A.; Caramona, M.M.; Celeste Lopes, M., 1996. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 302 - 305. 3. 48. 1996. . Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology



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