PDBEB Courses 2023/2024 - ONE HEALTH: A Metabolic Approach from the Cell to Society

Organized by

Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology

Date & Time

22/04/2024 - 03/05/2024


Auditorium 1 Student Hub, Faculty of Medicine, Polo I



Deadline : 15/04/2024




How does cell metabolism react to lifestyle cues and to the environment that surrounds us? How do diet and physical activity modulate cell metabolism, and especially energy metabolism? How does our exposome remodel our metabolism and how does that contribute to health and disease? How can the metabolism and biomedical research contribute to measure / quantify / predict the influences of environmental exposure on human health and disease? These questions and others will be answered during this course. A crosstalk of different views, from life and health sciences, from cell and molecular biology, nutrition, and endocrinology, to humanities, legal and social sciences will contribute for a holistic view of what determines our ONE HEALTH.


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