- Research Areas
- Advanced Therapies Group
- Biology of Human Reproduction and Infertility
- Biomarkers in Neuropsychiatric Disorders: from Molecules to Diagnosis and Intervention
- Body Barrier Immunometabolism
- Cell Signaling and Metabolism in Disease
- Computational & Systems Biology
- Data-Driven Molecular Design
- Functional Genomics and RNA-based Therapeutics
- Functional Proteomics in Health and Disease
- Gene and Stem Cell Therapies for the Brain
- Gut-Brain Axis
- Immune Cell Reprogramming
- Medical Microbiology
- Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery
- Metabolic Control
- Microbiomes, Metabolism and Omics
- Mitochondria and Neurodegenerative Disorders
- Mitochondrial Biology in Aging and Disease
- Molecular Biotechnology and Protein Engineering
- Molecular Microbiology and Microbiome
- Nanosystems and Targeted Antitumor Strategies
- Neural Circuits of Social Behavior
- Neuroendocrinology and Aging
- Neuromodulation
- Neuronal Circuits and Behavior
- Neuronal Signaling
- Obesity, Diabetes and Complications
- Rational Protein Engineering
- Redox Biology and Brain Sensing
- RNA & Infection
- Structural Biotechnology
- Synapse Biology
- Tumor Microenvironment and Targeted Therapies.
- Vacinas & Adjuvantes: Imunomodeladores de Nanopartículas
- Publications
- R&D Projects
- Research Funding & Management
Education & Career
Technology Transfer
Science Communication
Support Units
- Scientific Platforms
- R&I Support
- Animal House
- Microscopy Imaging Center of Coimbra (MICC)
- Flow Cytometry
- High-throughput/high-content screening platform
- Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry Laboratory
- ViraVector
- GENOINSEQ - Next Generation Sequencing Laboratory
- MitoXT
- Mitochondrial Biomedicine and Theranostics Laboratory
- Neurochemistry Laboratory
- Neurogenetics Laboratory
- Bioinformatics and Data Analytics