Animal Facility

The Animal House of CiBB is a technological platform providing services in laboratory animal experimentation following the 2010/63/EU directive and Portuguese DL 113/2013. It supports two rodents’ species: mice and rats (Mus musculus e Rattus norvegicus), with wild type or genetically altered phenotype.

The main mission of the Animal House platform is to guarantee animal welfare and sanitary conditions consistent with the high standards required in research and teaching excellence. This facility offers the services of reproduction and/or complete husbandry of animals, as well as support in animal experimentation, for all CiBB scientists or enterprises using animals in their research.

Presently, the CiBB Animal House platform comprises 3 Animal facilities that are located at UC-Polo I, UC-Polo III, and UC-Biotech. These facilities support mainly experimental projects related to neuroscience, immunology, cancer and metabolic diseases through a range of behavioural testing equipment, surgical rooms and specialized animal services and expertise, namely breeding and housing of small rodents, production of embryos and litters and technical support to animal experimentation procedures, including surgery.

To know more about CiBB Animal Facilities, please check:

Animal Facility UC-Polo I and UC-Biotech | contact:
Animal Facility UC-Polo III | contact:


Animal house, Animal research, Animal welfare, Animal behaviour

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