The Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC), University of Coimbra, opens a call for 1 (one) research fellowships, "ARDAT - Improving AAV gene therapy vetor efficiency" "with" (Grant agreement ID: 945473), financed by the European Comission (EC), under the Horizon 2020 program H2020-EU.3.1.7. - Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI2).
The call for proposals is governed by this Call for Proposals, the Research Grants Regulations (RBI) of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), the Research Grantee Statute (EBI), the Rules for Awarding and Managing Grants within the scope of R&D Projects, all in their current wording, the Code of Administrative Procedure (CPA) and other applicable national and Community legislation.
Job Fellowship Reference: CNC – BI ARDAT 03/2024
1. Scientific area: Biological Sciences
Scientific subfield: Neurosciences, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Gene Therapy
2. Legal Admission requirements:
2.1. Candidates must be enrolled in an integrated master's or master's degree or in a doctoral degree course in the field of Biotechnology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, or related, or be graduates or masters enrolled in Courses not conferring an academic degree integrated in the educational project of a higher education institution developed in association or cooperation with one or more R&D units.
Preferred criterion: advanced knowledge in molecular cloning (“TOPO”, “Gateway” and “Golden gate cloning” systems), handling of cell cultures, cell transfection, qPCR, western blot, and immunofluorescence; as well as recognized prior experience in the development of gene regulation and modulation systems involving CRIPR activation technology.
2.2. Candidates must hold a Master's degree.
2.3. Courses not conferring an academic degree must be related to the research fellowship’s activity type.
The academic degree/s and higher education diploma/s awarded by foreign higher education institutions, must be recognized under the terms of Decree Law no. 66/2018, and of no. 2 of article 10 of the FCT RBI, in its current wording.
2.4. The courses not conferring an academic degree must be related to the type of activity of the scholarship. Courses not conferring an academic degree are the courses referred to in paragraph e) of number 3 of article 4 of Decree-Law no. 74/2006, of 24 March, in the current wording, provided that they are developed in association or cooperation between the higher education institution and one or more R&D units, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph e) of article 3 of the Regulation for Research Fellowships of the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P
2.5. Candidates in the following situations will not be admitted to the call:
- Candidates enrolled in non-awarding degree study cycles who have already benefited from scholarship contract/s, including possible renewals, for an accumulated period of two consecutive or interpolated years, in this typology.
- Candidates enrolled in a Master's degree programme who have already benefited from a scholarship contract/s, including possible renewals, for an accumulated period of two consecutive or interpolated years, in this typology.
- Candidates enrolled in a PhD programme who have already benefited from a grant contract/s, including possible renewals, for an accumulated period of four consecutive or interpolated years, in this typology.
3. Location: Center of Neuroscience and Cell Biology, CNC, University of Coimbra.
3.1. Grant Coordination: Luís Pereira de Almeida, Associate Professor at the University of Coimbra and Rui Nobre PhD Researcher at the University of Coimbra
4. Duration: 6 months
5. Scientific orientation: Rui Nobre PhD Researcher at the University of Coimbra
5.1. Work plan/ Objectives:
The work to be developed will focus on:
- Development of gene regulation and modulation systems involving “CRIPR activation” technology, involving adeno-associated vectors (AAVs)
- Provide technical assistance in molecular biology, molecular cloning, production of viral vectors, and cell culture tests, within the scope of the project.
6. Financial conditions: The amount of the fellowship is 1 259,64€ corresponding to the monthly compensation stipulated in the FCT table ( corresponding to the monthly compensation stipulated in the FCT table plus social security (Seguro Social Voluntário, first-level contributions) and personal accident insurance. The payment will be made by bank transfer.
7. Selection Method(s):
Curricular Path Evaluation (CE) – 60% and Interview (I) – 40%
7.1. Curricular Path Evaluation | 60%
7.1.1. The classification of the Curricular Path Evaluation will obey to the following evaluation criteria, in a 0-100 scale:
- Criteria 1 - Merit of the curriculum vitae (CV): 40%
- Criteria 2 - Suitability of the candidate's profile to the tasks to be develop: 60%
7.1.2. In the Curricular Path Evaluation criterion 1, the following parameters and weightings will be considered:
A. Master's grade (80%)
1. Under 18: 50
2. Over or equal to 18: 100
B. Communications in scientific meetings (both as first author or co-authorship (10%)
1. 0 communications: 0
2. Between 1 and 3 communications (oral or poster): 75
3. Over 4 communications (oral or poster): 100
C. Scientific publications in journals or book chapters (both as first author or co-authorship (10%)
1. 0 papers: 0
2. Between 1 and 3 papers: 75
3. Over 4 papers: 100
7.1.3. In the Curricular Path Evaluation criterion 2, the following parameters and weightings will be considered:
E. Expertise in molecular cloning techniques, including “TOPO cloning”, “Gateway Cloning” and “Golden Gate Cloning” (40%)
F. Expertise in CRISPR-based gene activation (30%)
G. Cell culture, including transfection techniques (20%)
H. Expertise in protein and RNA/DNA analysis techniques (eg: immunofluorescence, western blot, qPCR) (10%)
with each of D, E, F and G parameters valued as:
1. No experience: 0
2. Reasonable experience: 50
3. Adequate experience: 70
4. Proficient experience: 100
7.2. Interview evaluation | 40%
7.2.1. In the interview, the performance of the candidates will be evaluated according to the following criteria and weighting:
- Criteria 1: Capacity to demonstrate the acquired knowledge in the requested areas: 50%
- Criteria 2: Clarity of speech: 50%
7.3. The formula to evaluate the Curricular Path Evaluation (CPE) and the Interview evaluation (IE), on a 0-100 scale, will be:
CPE = (criteria 1 x 40%) + (criteria 2 x 60%)
In which:
CPE criteria 1 = (80% x A) + (10% x B) + (10% x C)
CPE criteria 2 = (40% x D) + (30% x E) + (20% x F) + (10% x G)
IE = (criteria 1 x 50%) + (criteria 2 x 50%)
7.4. Final Classification Formula | FCF:
FCF: = (CPE x 60%) + (IE x 40%)
7.5. All candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria will be subject to an assessment of their curriculum vitae in accordance with the criteria and weightings set out in 7.1.
7.6. Only the first 2 (two) candidates ranked highest in the order resulting from the evaluation of the curriculum vitae will be admitted to the interview.
7.7. Candidates who have obtained a mark of less than 50 in the CVE will be excluded from the competition, and the next method, i.e. the interview, will not be applied to them, if there is one, as will candidates who do not attend the interview or who have withdrawn from it.
7.8. Tie-breaking criteria:
In case of equal valuation between candidates/as, the following criteria will be adopted, in descending order:
a) valuation obtained in the Curricular path Evaluation
b) valuation of the basic academic qualification.
7.9. All the jury's provisional and final decisions must be reasoned and recorded in minutes.
8. Jury composition:
Effective members:
President of the Jury: Rui Nobre, PhD Researcher of the University of Coimbra.
Jury members: Laetitia Gaspar, PhD Researcher of the University of Coimbra, and Magda Santana, PhD Researcher of the University of Coimbra.
Substitute members: Sara Lopes, PhD Researcher of the University of Coimbra, and Luís Pereira de Almeida, Associate Professor of the University of Coimbra
9. Formalization of application:
9.1. Application form
Applications must be submitted online in digital format via the platform, by selecting the relevant announcement and uploading in the appropriate fields all the necessary documents in pdf (portable document format).
9.2. Mandatory documents, to be attached at the time of application:
- Detailed CV with academic profile (including list of publications);
- Copy of qualification certificates.
- Proof of enrolment in a PhD course or non-degree training course relevant to the realization of the planned R&D activities (mandatory only at the contractualization stage);
- Other documents that the applicant considers relevant to the application;
- Declaration, on honour, of a document proving the benefit of a previous scholarship of the same type (BI) and its duration(s).
- Applicants who hold a PHD obtained abroad must, by the application deadline, provide proof of the respective recognition, or provide proof that they have requested it, under the terms of Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of 16 August. Failure to present the recognition of the degree at the time of hiring, under the terms of the FCT RBI, is a reason for exclusion.
- For duly substantiated reasons, documents proving the holding of academic degrees and diplomas, or their respective recognition, enrolment in a degree or in non-degree academic courses may be waived at the application stage, being replaced by a declaration of honour by the candidate. Without prejudice, until the stage of contractualization of the scholarship, their presentation is mandatory.
9.3. Candidates who incorrectly formalize their application or who do not prove to possess the requirements of this fellowship are excluded from admission. In case of doubt, the jury has the power to require any candidate to present additional documentation to attest their statements.
9.4. False statements made by candidates will be punished under the law.
9.5. The list of admitted and excluded candidates as well as the final ranking list are advertised at the respective Institute, and the candidates will be notified by email with receipt of delivery of the notification.
10. Period for submission of applications: 10 working days, counting from the first day after the publication date of this call.
11. Activity Regime:
The award of the scholarship does not generate or entitle a legal-labour relationship, moreover, it is exercised on an exclusive dedication basis, and the Scholarship Holder is attributed the CNC Scholarship Holder Status, in accordance with the provisions of the EBI and the RBI of the FCT.
12. Prior Hearing and Final Decision Deadline
12.1. The evaluation results will be announced within 90 working days after the end of the applications submission deadline, by notifying the applicants via email.
12.2. In accordance with the provisions of articles 121 and 122 of the CPA and article 12 of the FCT's RBI, candidates may, if they wish, within 10 working days, submit allegations on the decisions of the jury, which should be sent to the following email address.
12.3. Within the following 5 working days, counted from the end of the deadline for submitting complaints, the final decisions of the jury will be issued and published on the CNC website.
12.4. A complaint may also be lodged against the final decision within 15 working days, as well as an appeal to the CNC's highest executive body within 30 working days, both after the respective notification, under the terms of articles 191 and 192 of the CPA.
12.5. Selected candidates must declare their acceptance in writing. Unless justifiable, if the declaration is not submitted within the aforementioned period, the candidate will be deemed to have renounced the scholarship. In case of resignation or withdrawal of the selected candidate, the next candidate with the highest evaluation score will be notified immediately.
12.6. This competition is intended exclusively to fill the vacancy indicated, and may be terminated until the final ranking list of candidates has been approved and expired with the respective occupation of the job on offer.
13. Non-discrimination and equal access policy: CNC actively promotes a non-discrimination and equal access policy, whereby no candidate may be privileged, benefited, harmed or deprived of any right or immune from any duty on account of, in particular, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family situation, economic situation, education, origin or social condition, genetic heritage, reduced work capacity, disability, illness chronicle, nationality, ethnic origin or race, territory of origin, language, religion, political or ideological convictions and union membership.
14. At the end of the contractualisation in question, a Final Report must be prepared by the grantee and his/her supervisor(s), with the respective evaluation criteria that are established, under the terms of article 24 of the FCT RBI.
14. Additional information
Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (RGPD) and Law no. 58/2019 of 8 August, the person responsible for processing the personal data of the candidates collected, within the scope of this tender procedure, is the Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC). The CNC guarantees that personal data collected in physical or digital support, whatever their nature, are treated responsibly, only for the purpose of recruitment, through appropriate policies and measures in order to prevent access and misuse or possible intrusions, minimizing risks and contributing to their safety. CNC does not provide or allow access to personal data by third parties, except for the purpose of complying with duly justified legal obligations. The personal data collected will be kept for a maximum of 6 months, counting from the end of the legal period of conservation foreseen for the procedure. At any time, the interested party can contact the CNC through the email to request information on the processing of personal data or to exercise the legally established rights.
Coimbra, December 26th, 2024