Susana Costa

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PhD Student


Susana Costa completed her BSc degree in Biochemistry in 2017 and her MSc degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology in 2019, at the University of Coimbra. She published 1 article in a peer-reviewed journal. Her MSc thesis was developed at the "RNA & Infection" laboratory, under the supervision of Dr Ana Eulalio, at the Center for Neurosciences and Cell Biology (CNC-CIBB, University of Coimbra). This work allowed her to specialize in the study of host-pathogen interactions, the intracellular lifestyle of Salmonella Typhimurium and microRNAs. She has worked as a Research Fellow at the "RNA & Infection" and "Functional Genomics and RNA-Based Therapeutics" headed by Dr. Ana Eulalio and Dr. Miguel Mano, respectively. She is currently a PhD student in the PhD Programme in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine (PDBEB). Her PhD work is focused on identifying and characterizing host factors that regulate the intracellular lifestyle of various bacterial pathogens, including Salmonella.


University of Coimbra, Institute for Interdisciplinary Research, Doctoral Programme in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine (PDBEB), Portugal

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Information of exclusive responsibility of the researcher 09-03-2025 , from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.

2020/12/01 -

Deciphering host cell microRNAs controlling Salmonella replication and persistence within macrophages


PhD Student Fellow

Centro de Inovação em Biomedicina e Biotecnologia

Funders: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2020/02/01 - 2020/11/30

Intracellular Staphylococcus aureus: deciphering bacterial and cellular factors involved in host cell invasion by clinically relevant strains to define new therapeutic approaches (StaphIN)


Research Fellow

Centro de Inovação em Biomedicina e Biotecnologia

Funders: European Commission Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development Health

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