We are thrilled to invite you to the first free-to-attend workshop on "The Stressed Brain", a satellite meeting to the XIX Meeting of the Portuguese Neuroscience Society, organized in parallel to the Glia meeting. This workshop, to be held on may 27th 2025 in i3s, Porto, aims to bring together national and international experts in the field of stress and the brain, and it is open to all audiences.
The workshop is free to attend but, for logistic reasons, you must register. Attendance is limited to 100 participants. Registration and abstract submission are open until May 1st, 2025. You can present your work as a poster or be selected for a short talk.
Scientific Program
08:45 – 9:15 Registration and welcome
09:15 – 09:45 Patrizia Campolongo Resilience or Susceptibility? Neurobiological Insights from a PTSD Rat Model
09:45 – 10:15 César Venero The stress of social isolation and loneliness in aging: psychobiological mechanisms and effectiveness of intervention strategies
10:15 – 10:45 Selected short talks
10:45 – 11:30 Coffee break + Poster session
11:30 – 12:00 Luísa Pinto Psilocybin and Optogenetic Modulation of Neurogenic Circuitry in Stress-Induced Depression
12:00 – 12:30 Juan Nácher Stressing inhibition. The burden of adversity on inhibitory neurons
12:30 -13:00 Selected short talks
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch + Poster session
Organizing Committee
The workshop is being organized by Paulo Pinheiro and Ana Luísa Carvalho (CNC-UC), with the collaboration of Teresa Summavielle (i3s, U. Porto) and sponsorship from the "La Caixa" Foundation through its Health Research project "microSTRESS".
More information and registration here.