Metabolism is a complex map of biochemical reactions that connect and cross each other over several pathways. In popular culture, it is spoken of mostly regarding weight, but little is more is known to the average person about this big, complex and multifaceted scientific field that is central to so much of Life.
Mythabolism is a multidisciplinary project that aims to address the (lack of) scientific and health literacy regarding Metabolism.
The main feature of the project is the development and production of a board game of the same name: game-based learning improves motivation and engagement, and it facilitates acquisition of new knowledge. Plus, gameplay promotes many important skills, such as collaboration, communication, critical-thinking and problem-solving. Through gameplay, players will learn the included scientific information, increasing their health and scientific literacy.
Additionally, an associated online campaign will be developed.
The public's involvement with Mythabolism, through increase in knowledge, will provide not only more awareness, but also better tools for decision-making, from personal health to socio-political decisions.
Maria Vicente, Plataforma de Ciência Aberta
Daniela Rodrigues, CIAS
Ana Cristina Almeida, FPCEUC, LabJogos
Nuno Coelho, CEIS20
Nathalia Posada, DEI-FCTUC
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